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While there is real help and hope, it doesn't matter unless you ready for change. Are you ready?
Begin by saying, "I'm Ready"!
Are you or someone you know struggling with issues of stress, anxiety, or depression? Historic trauma and other issues like PTSD are challenging and affect the whole family dynamic. To most individuals, the challenge is where can you turn? Where can you go?
Part of healing is realizing the truth of "You can only do what you know." For most individuals, until you know something new, you are only left with old behavioral patterns and limited options. Being stuck in the rut of life keeps people from being able to succeed and achieve their desired goals. Hopelessness can creep in and leave a person immobilized mentally and physically. You may have experienced concentration issues that may have led to times of anger, shame, and even crisis. What has been discovered? Trauma has symptoms instead of accurate memories.
Guess what? You are not going crazy!
If you are tired of living in a hopeless/helpless rut? Then there is great news for you and those you love! GHP Counseling Services understands that taking a heart, soul, and mind approach allow for better balance and promotes healing.
Now is a good time to ask questions and recognize you too can choose to live life outside of survival mode. Isn't it time that shame, guilt, and fear be transformed into faith, hope, and love? Recognize a valuable opportunity, take a deep breath, and get in contact to see if these services will be a good fit for you or your family.
Access to life's energy affects so much, both mentally and physically. When you are fighting an inner battle of the divided self, energy levels are constantly depleted. If you are feeling tired all the time, then maybe Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) exercise/therapy can help. How? By helping your body's cells to become revitalized. The result allows the body's natural ability to rebuild health and reduce chronic pain.
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Call (850) 659-3550 to schedule your personal consultation today.
Please note: If you are in a life-threatening situation call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - a free, 24-hour hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Your call will be routed to the crisis center near you. If your issue is an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.
Standard disclaimer: While counseling theories developed may have been effective for individuals not all counseling modalities will work with all individuals. Clients are encouraged to communicate with their counselor about progress and approaches to achieve their success. Remember, no matter where you go for counseling, there are no 100% guarantees that counseling will work with all individuals.
GHP Counseling Services (aka), God's Healing Process (GHP) Ministries, LLC
GHP Counseling Services (aka), God's Healing Process (GHP) Ministries, LLC